Member-only story
150. That’s the amount of social connections Dunbar’s theory says the human brain can handle before it melts into mac & cheese.
If you’re one of the billion people on Facebook, it’s likely you’re in some Facebook Groups.
Whether you use Groups for business networking or sharing memes, they’re a compelling way of connecting with others online.
But…I was overwhelmed with the number of Facebook Groups I was in. So I rolled on over to to check just how many I was part of.
Holy zuckerberg. I was in 70 Facebook groups.
70 Facebook Groups seemed completely ridiculously and unsustainable to me. That easily put me well beyond Dunbar’s 150 healthy social connections. No wonder my brain felt like mac and cheese.
Seeing this number surfaced up a problem that I was ignoring…I lurked more than I contributed to my communities.